Ways to vote in Ohio

In-Person Voting

Early Voting

Starting the day after the close of voter registration, registered voters can vote early in-person at your local board of elections (note: not at your regular polling place). Check your local board of elections‘ website for exact days and times of early voting.

On Election Day

Voting by Mail / Absentee Voting

This allows you to complete your ballot from the comfort of your home, or wherever you may be. Submit an absentee ballot request form to your local board of elections. Absentee ballots are available about a month before Election Day. Follow instructions carefully, and mail your completed ballot as early as possible. Completed absentee ballots must be received by the close of polls on Election Day, if hand delivered. Mailed-in ballots must be postmarked no later than the day before Election Day.

For Ohio voters in the military or who are overseas, mail-in voting begins 45 days before Election Day, and the absentee ballots must be received no later than four days after Election Day.

What do you need to bring to vote in person in Ohio?

To vote in-person, either during the early voting period or on Election Day, you must have a valid photo ID. Any of the following are acceptable:

  • Unexpired Ohio driver’s license with current or former address
  • Unexpired state ID card with current or former address
  • U.S. passport or passport card
  • Military ID, specifically a U.S. Military ID card, Ohio National Guard ID card or a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs ID card.

To vote by mail, you may use the last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN) as identification when casting an absentee ballot.

Our Favorite Resources for Ohio Voters

Key Election Dates in Ohio

  • Voter Registration Deadline October 7th
  • Absentee Voting Begins October 8th
  • Early Voting Begins October 8th
  • Absentee Ballot Applications Close October 29th
  • Last Day to Early Vote November 3rd
  • Absentee Ballot Return Deadline
    • Postmarked by November 4th
    • Hand delivered November 5th
  • General Election November 5th