A Young People’s RJ Policy Agenda (2020)

Young, progressive voices are calling for policies that will help them build a future that is just and inclusive. Yet bans on abortion coverage, inadequate or nonexistent sex education, state and interpersonal violence, discrimination against LGBTQIA+ people, and stigma against our bodies, genders, sex, and decisions all make it harder for young people to live freely and with dignity. In response, URGE undertook a deep-listening process to uncover the policies young people say they need to be enacted to thrive.

Developed from more than 80 interviews with URGE stakeholders, the 2020 Young People’s Reproductive Justice Policy Agenda details priorities for transforming systems and institutions to promote reproductive justice – centering the needs of LGBTQIA+ youth and young people of color – through:

  • Real Abortion Access
  • Sexuality Education
  • Democracy Reform
  • Economic Justice
  • Decriminalize & Create Safe Communities
  • Immigrant Justice

As you see in this document, our focus is on connections and possibilities, not silos and barriers. This is the future, and we invite you to join us in building it.