Our neighbors in Ohio need community-based safety like comprehensive and culturally competent health care and affordable housing for all, not for their local police departments to be overfunded and spending millions of dollars on war-like weaponry, riot gear, and helicopters.
The COVID-19 pandemic remains a threat with the hard-felt ramifications touching every facet of our society. This coincides with the ongoing global uprising for Black lives and liberation, making this a pivotal moment in history. Now is the time to demand more of Ohio’s elected officials and hold them accountable to make the bold policy changes that our people have long been calling for.
Add your name and tell your local elected officials that they must divest from the militarized police and invest in Ohio’s Black and brown communities with universal health care and affordable housing in our city.
With nearly over 744,000 Ohioans without insurance, an increase of COVID-19 cases in the state, and fluctuating rates of unemployment, and many Ohioans being housing insecure and facing evictions, immense funding is needed, particularly in Ohio’s most marginalized communities, including for its low-income, Black, brown, queer and trans residents who for too long been left behind and have been targets by state violence and oppression – often perpetrated by the police and law enforcement. This funding is available and should come from our overfunded police departments.
Our folks are the experts of their lived experiences and time and time again have said that militarized police in their neighborhoods do not protect them and they do not provide safety for them or their families. Instead, our neighborhoods need high-quality health care and secure housing to help keep themselves and their loved ones healthy and thriving. It is these basic resources that will help Ohio’s communities and keep our neighbors safe.
Developed by RHITES, Collective Power, Advocates for Youth, and URGE, this factsheet details how telehealth services can help bridge barriers to reproductive and sexual health …
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On August 16, 1994, Women of African Descent for Reproductive Justice published a full-page letter to Congress in the Washington Post and Roll Call titled …
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On August 16, 1994, Women of African Descent for Reproductive Justice published a full-page letter to Congress in the Washington Post and Roll Call titled …
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