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Our Work

URGE is the first and only organization of its kind: a young people’s organization with an exclusive focus on Reproductive Justice. We are a national organization that has made deep investments in key states and center people of color who are women, queer, trans, nonbinary, and/or struggling to make ends meet. Our team advocates for Reproductive Justice through organizing, voter engagement, issue advocacy, and culture change.

Power Building

Our generation doesn’t need to be told what to do—we’re the most civically active generation this country has seen since the civil rights era. Instead, URGE specializes in showing young people the many time-honored methods and tools to harness our power.

Voter Engagement

Engaging with voters should never be just a once-every-four-years activity. URGE focuses on year-round outreach to both new and seasoned voters, to learn what they most care about and how to support allied elected leaders who represent our priorities.

Issue Advocacy

URGE works hand-in-hand with our communities to create solutions that will advance young people’s liberation and to support allied policymakers that center our voices.

Shifting Culture

Young people are at the forefront of transforming how we view Reproductive Justice: how we talk about the intersecting issues surrounding abortion, LGBTQIA+ rights, sexual identities, genders, abilities, and ethnicities. URGE empowers young people with the tools and platforms to talk about these critical issues in the ways that feel most urgent and authentic to them.

States where we work

URGE focuses its efforts where the challenges and opportunities are the greatest.


Invest in Young People Power.

Your gift today helps us train Black, Indigenous, women, transgender, queer, and nonbinary young people to create and lead the way to a liberated future where everyone has agency over their bodies and relationships and the power, knowledge, and tools to exercise that agency.

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