Kai Gurley
Deputy Director for Resource Development

Kai is a development professional with almost 20 years of experience fundraising in the reproductive health/rights/justice sector. Kai joined the staff of URGE in 2013. Since coming to URGE, Kai has lead the growth of the Development Department from a one-man shop to a team of three, and has helped grow the budget from under $1million to over $5million, managing a portfolio of over 20 institutional donors.
Before coming to URGE, Kai served as Institutional Giving Officer at Provide, Inc. (formerly the Abortion Access Project). Kai was the Development Coordinator for the SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective from 2005 – 2010. Since 2010, Kai has done institutional fundraising and grantwriting consulting work with several national reproductive health/rights/justice organizations. Additionally, Kai served on the board of the Third Wave Foundation from 2007 – 2012, serving as board chair from 2010 – 2011.
Kai graduated Summa Cum Laude from Florida State University in 2001 with a BS in Interdisciplinary Social Science, focusing primarily on Sociology and Political Science. In addition to Kai’s work in development, Kai is a trained facilitator, conflict mediator, and organizational development enthusiast.
Kai is a Southern feminist and reproductive justice advocate born in Atlanta, GA, and raised-up all over the South. A Southern boy through and through – Kai is a connoisseur of fried chicken and casseroles, a lover of 70’s and 80’s rock, and a true believer in the complexity and goodness of all humans.