Em-URGE-ing Voices

Posts Tagged: COVID-19

Celebrity Culture isn’t Dead, But it Should Be

These unprecedented times have caused people to have second thoughts about what is considered “normal” in our society. I have noticed a particular trend of people starting to pick apart our relationship with celebrities and the culture that holds on the majority of the American public. Earlier in the pandemic, there was talk about the “beginning of the end of celebrity culture,” as tensions rose between the elite and the masses. I was excited about the idea. Seeing celebrities roll around in their excessive wealth was beginning to bother me, more than it usually would. It has become difficult to put all the grand gestures of fame and fortune on social media and at award shows and galas in context with the reality most “normal” people are living right now. … Read more »

Lack of Leadership in COVID Response Costs American Lives

In just 18 months, two million lives have been lost to the novel strain of coronavirus. Throughout this entire nightmare, people have become comfortable with placing all blame on those who have remained wary and suspicious of the information relayed by the CDC and other agencies. But the responsibility is not theirs to carry alone. We continue to hurt ourselves by not acknowledging the lack of leadership from our government that has landed us here in the first place. Many of the responses to coronavirus precautions have been absurd. However, a glance at this country’s healthcare policies and some of the officials who push them will show that the US has leaned into absurdity long ago. Our healthcare system has been the lowest performing amongst other western countries like the… Read more »

University Administrators Must Support Students Affected by COVID-19 Campus Closures

(Washington, DC) — Statement by Kimberly Inez McGuire, Executive Director of URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity on the recent spate of university campus closures across the nation due to the COVID-19 pandemic: “We call on university administrators to consider and find ways to meet the health and other needs of students impacted by sudden campus closures amid COVID-19 concerns. For millions of young people, campus food programs, health services, and housing are essential life-saving resources. For many, these services are the only safety nets they have. Colleges and universities must prioritize young people of color and those who are low-income, first-generation, and LGBTQIA+. As we manage the spread of COVID-19, we must center young people and all who face homelessness, food insecurity, and the loss of healthcare access…. Read more »