Em-URGE-ing Voices

Posts Tagged: voting

West Side, Best Side: Election Day in California

Congratulations Mr. Obama- I hope you succeed these next four years. I send sympathy to the Romney’s- but there is always 2016. And I send sympathy to Jill Stein and everyone else who ran for president this past week- Sorry our media refuses to recognize your existence. Tuesday was a beautiful day in California. In my dear state of California, nearly 9.5 million individuals voted on causes such as Genetically Engineered food, pornography/condom laws, and of course… The CSU budget. This blog post will summarize what went down here on Election Day on a National level. President California voted 59.1% in favor of the current President to remain in his position; 40.9% voted for another individual to take the title of Commander and Chief. California has been voting democratically for… Read more »

My Reflections

The battles have been fought, the words are immortalized in internet memes, and the impact of this election is rippling throughout the country. When the champagne and tears stop flowing in the morning the time comes when we examine the journey we’ve traveled this past year. The time has come to examine what YOU have done to contribute to where we are now. If you feel that last night was a loss, ask yourself what you didn’t do. Did you raise your voice when you felt wronged? Did you stand up for your beliefs in the face of opposition? Did you even take the time to put your beliefs on a ballot? If you feel that these next four years is a great opportunity to further progress, ask yourself if you did… Read more »

Suffrage: A Reproductive Justice Issue

Let’s open our grade school history textbooks, shall we? Most of us know that, historically, suffrage was intended for white men only, in their infinite wisdom. And in their infinite wisdom, white men have decided for hundreds of years, both in the U.S. and abroad, that certain groups should be excluded from the voting practice for a number of great reasons, e.g., which God you believe in, what kind of genitalia you were born with, the color of your skin, income, etc.  Suffrage for (white) women was attained in 1920 with the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  Suffrage for people of color, particularly black people, was attained in 1870 with the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment during U.S. Reconstruction. But the right to vote isn’t as… Read more »

There’s nothing like the first time…

Since the 2008 election, 17 million more Millennials are eligible to vote and many of them will soon get their first taste of civic duty. Share this video and help get first time voters to the polls on November 6th! httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87fCDDfGGQ4 If you’d like to help our young organizers get out the vote and have your own “Voting is Sexy” t-shirt, consider making a donation to Choice USA: http://bit.ly/Sw32Fg

No on Amendment 6 is the Right Move for Florida

As a young woman of color residing in Florida I’m very interested in and affected by the anti- choice antics in Tallahassee. When I heard about Amendment 6, I just had to tell the world about the next attack on reproductive rights. This attempt directly affects me as a young black woman, I’m constantly facing stereotypes and attacks on my rights, and this I will not accept. I will not allow politicians to infringe upon my rights, and I will do everything in my power to keep politicians out of my doctor’s office! Amendment measure 6 would change the Florida constitution to outlaw public funding for abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or directly affecting the life of the mother. In essence, this amendment would bring politicians out of… Read more »