Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Allie

The Truth about Teenage Pregnancy Rates

December 9, 2013

Have you heard the news? Pregnancy, birth, and abortion rates are at an all-time low for women ages 15-19. This recent statistic m… Read more »

Posted by Nick

Student Leaders at the University of Texas are Taking Campus Safety into their Own Hands

December 6, 2013

Students on college campuses around the country are preparing for finals which means lots of caffeine, minimal amounts of sleep, a… Read more »

Posted by Diana

The Revolutionary Act Left Out of Most Sex-Ed Programs

December 4, 2013

I was perusing the internet as I’m wont to do and I discovered an article that made me scream. I wasn’t sure if the scream was in… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

All I Want for Christmas is YOU…th Comprehensive Sex Ed!

December 3, 2013

While everyone is busy jotting down the latest electronics on their Christmas Wish List, there’s something even better than the ne… Read more »

Posted by Katherine

An Infectious Silence: Stigma and the Persistence of HIV Among Young People

December 2, 2013

Yesterday was World AIDS Day, and there were a great deal of new coverage documenting it—reports of how we’ve progressed since AID… Read more »

Posted by Nick

Immigration and Reproductive Justice: Fighting for Family Rights

November 22, 2013

This has been an exhausting and draining week for many UT-Austin students, myself being one. National headlines covered the Texas… Read more »

Posted by Kayla

Who’s Your Daddy: The Problem of Paternalism

November 21, 2013

Paternalism is officially defined as “the policy or practice on the part of people in positions of authority of restricting the fr… Read more »

Posted by Allie

“That will be $800” – My IUD Journey

November 20, 2013

“It will run you around $800.” This statement was casually spoken to me by a secretary at the OBGYN office I had visited a week pr… Read more »
