
Issue Brief

Reproductive Justice Values for Federal Universal Health Care Reform

On August 16, 1994, Women of African Descent for Reproductive Justice published a full-page letter to Congress in the Washington Post and Roll Call titled “Black Women on Health Care Reform.” They demanded universal, comprehensive, and affordable health coverage and access with robust nondiscrimination protections for all. In honor of


Issue Brief

Reproductive Justice Principles for Federal Universal Health Care Reform

On August 16, 1994, Women of African Descent for Reproductive Justice published a full-page letter to Congress in the Washington Post and Roll Call titled “Black Women on Health Care Reform.” They demanded universal, comprehensive, and affordable health coverage and access to robust nondiscrimination protections for all. In honor of


Issue Brief

Sex Education Is a Reproductive Justice Issue

Reproductive Justice & racial justice cannot be realized if we live under the systems of white supremacy, xenophobia, and anti-Blackness. Reproductive Justice will be achieved when we can make decisions free from stigma or barriers and live and thrive in safe and sustainable communities. That cannot happen if young people


Issue Brief

Sign-on Letter: The Right to Vote Is a Reproductive Health, Rights, & Justice Issue

A joint sign-on letter hosted by URGE and State Innovation Exchange (SiX) on the intersections of voting and repro health, rights, and justice signed by 124 organizations and 36 state legislators! We know that reproductive freedom and voting rights and access are intrinsically linked. Equitable access to the vote means


Issue Brief

136 organizations in support of reproductive health, rights, and justice strongly oppose the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court

In addition to being an illegitimate process, Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s addition to the Supreme Court would be a threat to our reproductive health and rights. These are not hypothetical threats. With 17 abortion-related cases one step away from the Supreme Court as well as Supreme Court oral arguments in


Issue Brief

Young People’s Lives at Risk: 83 Organizations Oppose Amy Coney Barrett’s Nomination to SCOTUS

83 organizations call on those in power to put young people first and reject the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States. Young people already face extreme barriers to accessing abortion care, from unnecessary abortion restrictions like forced parental involvement and waiting periods, to


Issue Brief

URGE calls on Colleges and Universities to Close Campuses in Wake of COVID-19 Concerns

Many local, state, and federal government responses to COVID-19 have utterly failed to keep the majority of people in the country safe from the virus. Spearheaded by URGE, 329 individuals and nearly 30 local, state, and national organizations write to demand that colleges and universities immediately close all on-campus classes,


Issue Brief

189 organizations tell Congress to divest from law enforcement and invest in Black and brown communities.

  On August 4, 2020, URGE joined with 188 other local, state, and federal organizations in a letter calling on our federal leaders to support the efforts and leadership of Black women and other Reproductive Justice and racial justice leaders by investing our tax dollars in institutions and structures that


Issue Brief

Youth Reproductive Rights & the COVID-19 Response

Access to comprehensive reproductive health care is critical for young people, especially during a public health emergency. Young people encounter persistent barriers to accessing the care and information they need to make decisions about pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and their sexual health.



Youth Access to Telehealth for Sexual & Reproductive Health Care

Developed by RHITES, Collective Power, Advocates for Youth, and URGE, this factsheet details how telehealth services can help bridge barriers to reproductive and sexual health for young people. It also discusses the policy fixes that could make this health delivery option more available and affordable.



Real Education and Access for Healthy Youth Act (REAHYA) Fact Sheet

The Real Education and Access for Healthy Youth Act (REAHYA) is important federal legislation that would provide young people with sex education and the sexual health services they need to make informed decisions about their bodies and lives. Check out this fact sheet to learn more about this bill!



Health Equity and Access Under the Law for Immigrant Families Act (HEAL) Fact Sheet

The Health Equity and Access Under the Law for Immigrant Families Act, or HEAL, is bold federal legislation that aims to support access to health care for immigrant families. In the 117th Congress, HEAL was introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and Rep. Nanette Barragán



The Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance (EACH) Act

The Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance Act, or EACH, is bold federal legislation that works to reverse abortion coverage restrictions.



Fact Sheet: Defunding the Police

We cannot progress as a nation until we defund the police and prison industrial complex. Police, prisons, and punitive judicial and penal systems are deeply intertwined and function together to devastate Black communities and other communities of color. This is why Black community members and Black-led organizations have spent years




The COVID-19 pandemic has affected nearly every facet of society, unveiling how current systems have and continue to fail communities in Ohio and across the country. Ohio’s elected officials like Governor Mike DeWine, Lieutenant Governor John Husted, Attorney General David Yost, and the Director of the Ohio Department of Health



The State of Sex Education in Alabama 2020

Current requirements for sex education in Alabama are sex negative, homophobic, medically inaccurate, culturally incompetent, ineffective, and do not provide the kind of information young people want and need to live happy and healthy sexual lives.



The State of Sexual Health Education in Ohio 2020

The sexual health programming in Ohio’s public schools is not mandated to be medically accurate, age-appropriate, culturally competent, and is not prohibited from promoting religion or biased information.
