Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by URGE Staff

The Next Step for Young Immigrants

August 8, 2013

by Raquel Ortega, Choice USA Field Associate A little over a year ago the Obama Administration announced the introduction of the D… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

Consuming Bodies: The Women We’re Leaving Behind

August 2, 2013

India just banned the use/exploitation of dolphins as entertainment, as they are now considered “non-human persons”. Blackfish, a… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

It Doesn’t Matter What I Wore; A Story of the Night I Was Drugged

July 25, 2013

  *All names have been changed As women and girls growing up in America, we have all heard the warnings to ‘keep ourselves sa… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

Being a Virgin Doesn’t Make Me Pro-Life

July 10, 2013

“So you have casual sex then, right?” I cannot count how many times I have been asked this as a follow up question when I tell peo… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

Where are Immigrant Women’s Rights in the RJ fight?

July 3, 2013

by Katherine Sheldon, Choice USA summer intern As someone involved in the feminist movement, I read about the fight for reproducti… Read more »

Posted by Samantha

Sex and Bad Ass Brown Girls: Netroots Nation 2013

June 28, 2013

Netroots Nation provided panels, trainings, and plenaries that seemed to appeal to everyone. The two panels that I couldn’t miss w… Read more »

Posted by Sarah

Like, Favorite, Retweet: At Netroots Nation, Sharing Was Caring

June 28, 2013

From National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s Creating Change to CatalystCon to the National Womens Studies Association’s annual conv… Read more »

Posted by Sarah

Owning the Millennial Stereotype: Progressive Youth and Netroots Nation 2013

June 27, 2013

Last week, I attended Netroots Nation in beautiful San Jose with my fellow correspondent Samantha and several members of the Choic… Read more »
