Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Katherine

No More “White Knights”: On Plans for a Steubenville Movie and Silencing Survivors

April 7, 2014

Circling the feminist and progressive blogosphere the past few days has been the news that Brad Pitt’s production company, Plan B… Read more »

Posted by Allie

Five Things I Want to See More At Social Justice Conferences

April 7, 2014

I adore social justice conferences. I love the spaces, the atmosphere, the fact that I know I have something in common with every… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

The Real Reason Students Are Fighting for Leggings

April 4, 2014

Most middle school girls learn the tricks of avoiding being sent home because of their clothing choices. They can scrunch up shoul… Read more »

Posted by Summer

Hey NPR: Stop Shaming Teen Parents!

April 3, 2014

Earlier this week NPR published an article detailing the success of comprehensive sex-education in lowering the teen pregnancy rat… Read more »

Posted by Diana

3 Things You Can Do for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April 2, 2014

April is sexual assault awareness month. If you are a college student, you might be aware of this because April is when campuses h… Read more »

Posted by Kayla

Las Mujeres de Oaxaca

April 1, 2014

  Hospitals in Oaxaca, Mexico have received a lot of attention recently, and for all the wrong reasons. When local stations and ph… Read more »

Posted by Allie

The Politics of Being a Tall Woman

March 31, 2014

My height is political. It has taken me too long to write that sentence. I am 5’11”, cisgender woman.  The “average” female in the… Read more »

Posted by Nick

Shanesha Taylor: The Case of Punishing the Poor

March 28, 2014

With the reproductive justice movement, the discussion often gets bogged down in life or death rhetoric. Pro-choice advocates also… Read more »
