Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by URGE Staff

Making the Leap From Student Organizer to Progressive Professional

March 27, 2014

Searching for your first (or second, or third) job out of college is not easy. You want to do something challenging and rewarding,… Read more »

Posted by Diana

3 Facts I Hope the Supreme Court Keeps in Mind About Birth Control

March 26, 2014

You might have heard about that birth control case involving Hobby Lobby that’s reached the Supreme Court. The case is Sibelius v… Read more »

Posted by Kayla

The Non-Issue of “White Face”

March 25, 2014

A few days ago, singer, songwriter, and actor Nick Cannon took to Instagram to promote his upcoming album “White People Party Musi… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

This Is Not Just About Birth Control

March 24, 2014

If the Supreme Court finds in favor of Hobby Lobby, we are not just facing the repeal of a benefit that helps over 20 million peop… Read more »

Posted by Katherine

Bodily Autonomy and Red Lipstick: On Being Femme, and Reclaiming our Bodies

March 24, 2014

I own 13 shades of lipstick. I also have, according to my latest tally, 20 dresses, 16 skirts, 5 pairs of heels, and 18 pairs of e… Read more »

Posted by Allie

Challenging Ableism: Autism and the Conversation about Vaccines

March 24, 2014

Recently there has been a debacle in the public health field about the connection between vaccines and autism. The Center for Dise… Read more »

Posted by Nick

Sex-Selection Abortion Bans: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

March 21, 2014

In 2012, Congress failed to pass the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (PRENDA), which would ban sex, and race based abortions. Shrou… Read more »

Posted by Summer

In Defense of Bossy Girls

March 20, 2014

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer and the author of the famous Lean In, is calling for a ban on the word bossy…. Read more »
