Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Kayla

2 Things I Learned About Sexism While in a Mental Hospital

March 4, 2014

In 2013, I had the very interesting experience of spending five days in a mental institution. I’ll be really upfront and say that… Read more »

Posted by Allie

Negotiating The Vagina Monologues with Intersectional Feminism

March 3, 2014

It’s that time of year – when college campuses and communities host The Vagina Monologues. This is the third year I have been invo… Read more »

Posted by Nick

An Open Letter to Judge Orlando Garcia

February 28, 2014

Thank you. I don’t even think a thank you can express a fraction of how I’m feeling. It’s a kind of I want to run up to you and gi… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

How Sex Education Failed Me

February 27, 2014

Sex education in schools has been a contentious topic for a long time. A poster in a Kansas middle school brought up it up again a… Read more »

Posted by Diana

“The War On Voting” comes to Ohio

February 26, 2014

On Wednesday, February 19th, Ohio legislatures passed Senate Bill 238 and Senate Bill 205. SB 238 “would reduce the number of abse… Read more »

Posted by Kayla

An Open Letter to White Queer People

February 25, 2014

In 1969, in the early hours of June 28th, in a small corner of New York City, police raided Stonewall Inn. It’s been close to fift… Read more »

Posted by Katherine

Recovering Catholic: Reconciling Faith with Reproductive Justice

February 24, 2014

This past weekend I was lucky enough to get the chance to attend the fourth annual Take Root, a reproductive justice conference fo… Read more »

Posted by Allie

Why Ohio Needs to Keep Golden Week

February 24, 2014

Ah, yes, as an Ohioan, I’ll never forget the first Election season and Golden Week where I could legally vote. What a magical time… Read more »
