Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Samantha

4th Annual Women 2 Women Conference: Engaging and Supporting Farmworker Women

April 19, 2013

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of attending this conference, the 4th of its kind, and hearing about it is nothing compared to ac… Read more »

Posted by Amanda

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

April 17, 2013

I’d like to spend my last few posts recognizing some of the greatest influences that inspires me to be an advocate for social just… Read more »

Posted by Guest Blogger

Rapists: You Don’t Get To Stay Anonymous

April 12, 2013

By Callie Otto, Choice USA intern  Her name was Rehtaeh Parsons. She was a survivor of rape who was shamed, harassed, and denied j… Read more »

Posted by Lydia

Surprisingly Sex Positive: A Review of “For A Good Time Call”

April 11, 2013

Spoiler Alert  “For a Good Time Call” follows Lauren and Katie, former college enemies whose desperate situations – Katie can bare… Read more »

Posted by Sarah

The South And Marriage Equality, Part III: The Intersecti​onal Blueprint Of A Movement

April 9, 2013

From abolition to the civil rights, the American South has been the battleground for many social justice movements. When a place’s… Read more »

Posted by Sarah

The South And Marriage Equality, Part II: Are States’ Rights A Wrong?

April 4, 2013

While racial, reproductive, and economic equality are the apples and oranges of modern social justice and should not be compared t… Read more »

Posted by Guest Blogger

Write for ChoiceWords!

April 3, 2013

Do you want to write about reproductive justice and get PAID for doing it? Choice USA is looking for student journalists for the 2… Read more »

Posted by Amanda

Lo Que Los Fanáticos Religiosos Se Esconden

April 3, 2013

“that which the religious zealots are hiding” So I’m a little bummed today. The legislation in Kansas we’ve been fighting against… Read more »
