Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Sarah

Thoughts On Creating Change, Part II: Let’s Map Our Desires!

February 21, 2013

In my previous post on The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s annual conference, I wrote about the ways large gatherings like C… Read more »

Posted by Guest Blogger

Even at the Catholic University of America, We Need Birth Control

February 20, 2013

By Callie Otto, Catholic University Students for Choice co-founder & Choice USA intern As a reproductive justice advocate at o… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

Radical Modesty

February 19, 2013

Choice USA Executive Director, Kierra Johnson, will be traveling this week in Israel with the National Council of Jewish Women, Is… Read more »

Posted by Samantha

One Billion Rising: Dancing, and Rising Against Violence Against Women

February 19, 2013

One Billion Rising at UCF Last Thursday I had the opportunity to attend an event called One Billion Rising which was put on by the… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff


February 18, 2013

Choice USA Executive Director, Kierra Johnson, will be traveling this week in Israel with the National Council of Jewish Women, Is… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

Making New Friends for a Progressive Peace Mission

February 17, 2013

Choice USA Executive Director, Kierra Johnson, will be traveling this week in Israel with the National Council of Jewish Women, Is… Read more »

Posted by Amanda

Philosophies of the Womb

February 13, 2013

Do we base our politics on our philosophy, or are our philosophies based on our politics? This is a question that I will begin to… Read more »

Posted by Lydia

Sextravaganzas and Other Campus Sex Workshops

February 11, 2013

Last month, fellow Choice Correspondent Amanda and I attended Creating Change: The National Conference on LGBT Equality.  I may be… Read more »
