Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Samantha

The New Year Brings New Possibilities and New Attacks on Reproductive Justice

January 11, 2013

It’s 2013 and anti-choice policymakers are at it again. 2012 was a time of great achievements in defeating bills that tried to tak… Read more »

Posted by Amanda

We are Overdue for an Update to Our Child Support Laws

January 9, 2013

Sperm or egg donation is possibly one of the most selfless gifts you can provide to someone who cannot conceive a child in a more… Read more »

Posted by Guest Blogger

ChoiceWords Top 12 of 2012!

December 31, 2012

Since the new and improved ChoiceWords launched at the beginning of the fall semester we have had some incredible writing by our S… Read more »

Posted by Guest Blogger

Open Thread: Holiday Fun Times

December 23, 2012

We hope everyone is having a safe and happy holiday season! As the holidays usually means time with family, we are opening up a th… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

The Fiscal Cliff: Not Sexy but a Big Problem for your Sex Life

December 18, 2012

This post is part of a series from Campus Progress There is nothing sexy about the fiscal showdown in Washington. It’s a complicat… Read more »

Posted by Lydia

Biology v. Sociology: How Traditional Notions of Womanhood Pervade Our Legal System

December 17, 2012

When a child is born to unmarried parents outside of the United States with one parent being a U.S. citizen and the other not bein… Read more »

Posted by Lauren

The First Same-Sex Wedding at West Point Chapel is a Watershed Moment

December 14, 2012

Recently, the first same sex wedding was held at West Point Chapel for the seventeen year sweethearts, Brenda Sue Fulton and Penel… Read more »

Posted by Sarah

How to be an Ally: Notes on Lending a Hand to a Movement which Isn’t Yours

December 11, 2012

Back in October, my university’s Gay-Straight Alliance hosted a National Coming Out Day panel. Instead of the usual format–which… Read more »
