Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Lydia

Transgender Reproductive Injustice: Modern Eugenics

November 21, 2012

“Little known fact about Sweden, that supposed bastion of liberal idealism: If a Swedish transgender person wants to legally updat… Read more »

Posted by Sarah

Rape Culture: A Case Study

November 19, 2012

Rape culture. Even if you’re not familiar with the fancy new wave feminist lingo, you’ve probably witnessed at least example of it… Read more »

Posted by Samantha

Women of Color and Reality TV: the Bad, the Worse, and the Downright Offensive

November 16, 2012

This post is part of a series about reproductive justice and the media done in partnership with Women, Action, & the Media. Be… Read more »

Posted by Lauren

Pornography and Measure B

November 15, 2012

This post is part of a series about reproductive justice and the media done in partnership with Women, Action, & the Media. Po… Read more »

Posted by Amanda

50 Shades and the Responsibility to Educate

November 14, 2012

This post is part of a series about reproductive justice and the media done in partnership with Women, Action, & the Media. Un… Read more »

Posted by Sarah

Lesbians in Primetime Television: Coming Out Is Not The Only Issue

November 13, 2012

This post is part of a series about reproductive justice and the media done in partnership with Women, Action, & the Media. Gi… Read more »

Posted by Lydia

How Am I Supposed to Know How to be Sex Positive?

November 12, 2012

This post is part of a series about reproductive justice and the media done in partnership with Women, Action, & the Media. In… Read more »

Posted by Guest Blogger

Next Week’s Posts

November 10, 2012

We are excited to announce that next week ChoiceWords will be partnering with Women, Action and the Media to bring you a whole wee… Read more »
