Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Sarah

The Queer Factor: Why Comprehensive Sex Education Matters

September 18, 2012

When I began questioning my sexuality in my teens, I didn’t know how sex between two women “worked.” I felt a lump rise in my thro… Read more »

Posted by Samantha

Being a Young Black Woman in the Reproductive Justice Movement

September 14, 2012

I must’ve been in 4th grade when I received my first exposure to “sex education.”  This came in the form of my class touring the m… Read more »

Posted by Lauren

What the Hell is Reproductive Justice?

September 13, 2012

I feel compelled to explain something. What the hell is Reproductive Justice? Reproductive Justice, (or as the cool kids call it,… Read more »

Posted by Amanda

Why Reproductive Rights Are Economic Issues

September 12, 2012

I am SICK and TIRED of people telling me that women need to stop focusing on “frivolous” things, such as… oh I don’t know… the rig… Read more »

Posted by Sarah

Where’re We’re At, Where’re We’re Going: Reproductive Rights in Georgia

September 10, 2012

With anti-abortion laws forcing clinics to shut down in Tennessee and Mississippi this summer, I felt compelled to examine the for… Read more »

Posted by Lauren

Who I am, and How and Why I Write

September 6, 2012

I have embarked on a journey unlike any I’ve been faced with before. A journey begins with a single step… right? Well, here I go…. Read more »

Posted by Amanda

“That” Girl

September 5, 2012

This post will serve as an introductory piece to the readers of this blog. So… I’ve got something to admit. I’m one of THOSE girls… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

Putting the Sex Back in Birth Control: Why the Dominant Narrative on Contraception Undermines Young People

August 18, 2012

Originally posted on RH Reality Check While I applaud Elizabeth Banks for her new ad supporting Planned Parenthood, birth control,… Read more »
