Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Katherine

“But What About False Rape Accusations”: ‘Ally’ Derailment and Gender-Based Sexual Assault

April 14, 2014

A while back, a dude started coming to the feminist student group that I’m the president of. He was cisgender and heterosexual (ci… Read more »

Posted by Allie

Seeking Justice for Victims while Dealing with an Unjust Prison System

April 14, 2014

Trigger warning: sexual and domestic violence I will be honest: I hate focusing on perpetrators of sexual assault. I like to focus… Read more »

Posted by Nick

Lost in Translation: API Sex and Sexuality

April 11, 2014

The United States suffers from an unfortunate epidemic known as abstinence only programs. These sex after marriage talks are a com… Read more »

Posted by Summer

Why Providers Want to Hear from Young Activists

April 11, 2014

Being a second semester college senior, I wouldn’t necessarily classify myself as a morning person.  My earliest class starts at 9… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

Masculinity and Queerness

April 10, 2014

The thing about “ideal masculinity” is that we will always fall short. I didn’t even stand a chance growing up, playing with my si… Read more »

Posted by Diana

Gender, Race and the Executive Order for Equal Pay

April 9, 2014

There’s been a lot of talk about equal pay and the gender wage gap the past week and half. It was widely reported last week and th… Read more »

Posted by Nick

NQAPIA: The Foreign Concept of Home

April 8, 2014

The biggest parts of my identity consist of being API, queer, and a sweet southern gentleman. Never in my life did I think these t… Read more »

Posted by Guest Blogger

What it means to be a “Man of Strength”

April 8, 2014

“Pray not for easy lives, pray to be stronger men.” President John F. Kennedy once said these famous words while the United States… Read more »
