
Campus chapters are the heart of URGE’s work. All over the US, groups of dedicated students are working tirelessly for reproductive justice -- tackling issues specific to their campus, speaking out about state policy, & contributing to national campaigns.

Chapter News

Chapter Updates

September 25, 2012

El Paso Registers Over 700 Voters in One Day!

They continued to register until the Texas deadline and racked up a grand total of 1200 registrations.

Chapter Updates

September 18, 2012

UGA Fights Back Against Slut-Shaming

They got organized and mobilized the student body to speak out against the article. After dozens of comments, emails and letters to the editor, the school newspaper asked them to write a response article

Chapter Updates

July 30, 2012

San Fran Takes on a National Agenda

Western Regional leader Brett Louis Patterson got to speak directly to his Representative, Jerry McNerney, who vowed to take a strong stance against the bill.

Chapter Updates

April 24, 2012

Scripps Hosts Reproductive Egg Hunt

Our members prepared more than 200 eggs – each stuffed with a reproductive health fact, some chocolate, and a condom – and hid them on the main lawn for a reproductive justice egg hunt. About 40 new students participated and the winning team gathered an impressive 25 eggs.

Chapter Updates

March 30, 2012

Agnes Scott Gets Started with a Fervor

They recently hosted a female holocaust survivor on campus to talk to young people about her experience in Auschwitz as a woman. They also participated in our national Valentines Day of Action – collecting 25 valentines asking Congress to “Listen up, or We’re Breaking up” and “get your hands off my birth control.”

Chapter Updates

March 27, 2012

Pitt Educates Students About Safe Cosmetic Products

They handed out educational materials about some of the alternative toxic-free products they can use. Attendees were encourages to sign a petition to support the Safe Cosmetics Act.

Chapter Updates

April 21, 2011

CSU-LB Helps Planned Parenthood Lobby

CSU Long Beach makes a habit of not messing around. The URGE chapter kicked its organizing efforts into high gear in response to t… Read more »

Chapter Updates

October 15, 2010

UGA Celebrates Sweet Sixteen!

This year, the URGE arm of the organization is working on voter registration and Trick or Vote. They are also planning workshops with URGE’s own Kelley Robinson and SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW!

Chapter Updates

September 25, 2010

KU Puts on a Sex[+] Week

The chapter has already recruited over 150 people to send a message to Congress to end Title V funding through our Sex[+] Voter Engagement Campaign and they joined with other student organizations to host a spectacular Sextival.
