Em-URGE-ing Voices

Posts Tagged: young people

Putting the Sex Back in Birth Control: Why the Dominant Narrative on Contraception Undermines Young People

Originally posted on RH Reality Check While I applaud Elizabeth Banks for her new ad supporting Planned Parenthood, birth control, and President Barack Obama–and wholeheartedly empathize with her personal story–I’m reminded of a sobering fact: the progressive community is deathly afraid of talking about sex and young people. That’s right. I said it. Between Banks new web promo aimed at female voters, Sandra Fluke’s testimony before Congress last February, and the reactive messaging around Rush Limbaugh’s vile comments, one thing has remained clear: our movement is far more comfortable elevating stories about birth control when they don’t involve sex. Pure unadulterated sex. Sex without the fear of an unintended pregnancy. You know… the primary reason young Americans use birth control. And for arguments sake, maybe there’s a good reason for this. Maybe–just maaaayyyybe–we’re trying to appeal… Read more »

In Honor of the 39th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade: Doubling Down on Our Investment in Young People

As we commemorate the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and honor the legacy of the reproductive rights advocates that came before us, we must remain vigilant in our struggle for social justice. While Roe v. Wade played an important role in shaping reproductive health and rights in this country, the battle is far from over. Young people know this very well. We understand that in order for us to truly win reproductive justice for all, we have to look at the entire picture. The legal right to an abortion loses its value when state and local barriers prevent young people, communities of color, LGBT people, and low-income families from accessing basic health care services. Age-restrictions on emergency contraception. Parental notification and consent laws. Mandatory waiting periods. Personhood initiatives.