Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Kadijah

SMH: The 20-Week Ban

January 20, 2015

View image | gettyimages.com On Thursday, January 22, 2015, we will reflect upon the progress made in terms of abortion care polic… Read more »

Posted by Paul

Marching against Birth Control?

January 15, 2015

Every year on the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, the March for Life holds their annual protest in Washington D.C. Every… Read more »

Posted by Robyn

Girls Can Fix Computers, Too

January 13, 2015

Image from NASA, via Wikimedia Commons Going back to school for me also means going back to work. Separate from my writing, I also… Read more »

Posted by Kadijah

The Upsides and Downsides of an IUD

January 12, 2015

Perhaps I am late to the party, but IUDs or intrauterine devices  are becoming an increasingly used as a reversible contraceptive… Read more »

Posted by Caitlin

Young boys saying “no” doesn’t end domestic violence

January 9, 2015

An Italian viral video entitled “From a Slap” has been continuously showing up on my newsfeed this week with comments like “This g… Read more »

Posted by Paul

We Need More Women in Government

January 8, 2015

Across the world, women make up less than 25 percent of all national parlimentarians or congressional representatives. Women are r… Read more »

Posted by Robyn

How to Deal With Ignorant Comments From Loved Ones

January 6, 2015

I celebrated my two week holiday break from school by going back home and spending time with my family. I loved seeing them and wa… Read more »

Posted by Kadijah

My Self-Care Arsenal

January 5, 2015

Image via 4000 Years for Choice Have you ever felt rage? I know I have. Have you ever felt hopelessness? I know I have. Those feel… Read more »
