Em-URGE-ing Voices

Abortion, Hyde and the president’s 2015 budget

This is why Choice USA has joined a bold new coalition called All* Above All, aimed at rolling back the unjust Hyde Amendment and its ugly progenies. Folks all around the country are declaring that these political compromises are no longer acceptable — it’s time to lift the bans on abortion coverage. This campaign has generated energy from young people and communities across the country, all of whom understand the connections between access to reproductive health care and economic opportunity because we are living at these intersections.

Student to create sexual assault education program

This isn’t Lahey’s first run-in with trying to cause social change; she’s the president of Feminists Organization Raising Consciousness and Empowerment on campus, a student journalist for Choice USA, she’s taking classes, doing homework, working as an intern and trying to create broad change on campus through the fellowship. One reason Lahey was selected as a fellow was because her ability to look at things “through an intersectional lens,” Humphrey said.

Anti-Abortion Demonstration And Student Protest At Tate Plaza

Hannah Larisch, a senior Spanish language major — holds up a sheet, blocking graphic images being displayed by anti-abortion organization Justice For All — as other students join in protest of the images outside Tate Plaza. Larisch said she joined to support her friends at the protest, and to defend her own beliefs on abortion rights.

KU Students Joined Citizens to Protest Controversial Legislation in Topeka

Emma Halling, the student body vice president, also attended the protest and voiced her opinion against the piece of legislation. “[Protesting] out here, we are more of making a statement about what we, as voters, will and won’t tolerate in the state of Kansas, and legalized discrimination is one of those things that we refuse to tolerate,” Halling said. Candice Crafton, a senior from Wichita, said that the bill makes her feel conflicted about aspects of her personal identity as a member of the LGBTQ community and as a Kansan, both of which are aspects of her personality that she does not want to be forced to choose between. “I just think that Kansas has a strong history of being a very progressive place, and I’m very proud to be… Read more »

Kan. Students Lobby Against Sex Education Bills

Students from the University of Kansas, Emporia State University and Wichita State University were lobbying Monday to encourage legislators to reject the changes, arguing they would ignore the wishes of local communities. The students are members of campus Choice USA, a national abortion-rights organization that speaks out on reproductive rights issues. The students lobby in Topeka each session and chose the sex education bill as their focus this year. “We feel like it’s a legislative overreach to put a statewide mandate on this,” said Paul Brink, a Wichita State senior majoring in economics and political science.

Miller and Johnson: Law requiring parental notification before abortions would make matters worse

First, in a state with one of the highest teen birth rates in the nation, the vast majority of public school districts don’t teach students about birth control in sex education classes. In addition, family planning services for low-income women are still struggling to recover from draconian public funding cuts in 2011 that forced the closure of at least 56 health clinics across the state. One legislator that year even boasted that he and his colleagues were engaged in a “war on birth control.” In addition, mandatory waiting periods, a requirement for invasive sonograms and other measures have placed obstacles between patients seeking abortion care and their doctors. Last year, the Legislature passed – over the objections of medical and public health experts – even more burdensome regulations that forced… Read more »

Two young women drive antiabortion movement’s revival

Groups that support abortion rights have opposed such centers, saying they intimidate women and provide misinformation to those seeking abortions. “Crisis pregnancy centers use deceptive tactics and withhold information to keep people from accessing the reproductive health-care services they need,” said Mari Schimmer, program director for Choice USA. “Medical care and advice should be provided by trained health-care professionals, not religiously motivated activists.”

College Students Lobby Against Sex Education Bills

College students from around the state came to the Capitol to lobby against the bills on Monday as part of a coordinated effort organized by Choice USA, a pro-choice organization. Students can currently choose to opt out of sex education, said Sydney Fish, a Wichita State University student, but Pilcher-Cook’s bill flips that equation on its head. “Basing an entire bill that would control every district in the state on one incident – we’re basically looking at going from an opt-out system of sex education, which is organized by districts, to an opt-in,” Fish said.

Another Attack on Reproductive Freedom

As we approach the 41st anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision, it can feel as if the promise of reproductive freedom guaranteed by that decision is becoming increasingly elusive. That is especially true for young people. Recently, for example, Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tyler, introduced a bill that would establish a nationwide requirement that any young woman seeking abortion care notify her parents at least four days before the procedure. We all want a young person facing an unintended pregnancy to be able to turn to a parent or other trusted adult. Studies show that most do, usually to one or both of their parents. This suggests that many families have already created environments for and relationships with their children that encourage such conversations.

We’re Finally Getting A Little Closer To Repealing The Hyde Amendment

To see the evidence of that, look no further than Choice USA, another one of the groups included in All Above All’s coalition. Choice USA mobilizes young people to fight for reproductive justice, and is currently organizing around this week’s HR 7 hearing, encouraging people to contact their legislators about the need for affordable abortion services. The group expects a few hundred contacts to Congress, even though it’s limited in the number of people it will be able to contact since most colleges are still on winter break. Choice USA has found that young people really connect to the abortion funding issue — largely because it’s often younger people who struggle to raise the money they need to have an abortion. And across the country, they’re fighting back. “It’s easy… Read more »