Posts tagged: global gag rule
There are 2 post tagged global gag rule
How President Trump's Expansion of the Global Gag Rule Will Wreak Havoc on Communities
May 17, 2017
/ Choice USA Staff
/ Our Folks
Another day, another shitty reproductive health policy introduced by the Trump administration that will have untold effects on millions of people around the world. Earlier this week, as the country launched its annual recognition of global health needs during National Women’s Health Week, the President announced an expanded version of the Global Gag Rule he …
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Hasty Hypocrisy: A look at Trump's Executive Orders
Jan 26, 2017
/ Kenyetta Whitfield
/ Our Folks
In the 6 days following the historic inauguration of former reality television turned president, Donald Trump, 12 executive orders have been signed and there is no telling if the number will grow. The signing of these executive orders signify much of what can be expected of the new Trump administration. The administration would, for one, rather …
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