Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Paul

A College Student’s Guide to Surviving Winter Break

December 4, 2014

For us college students, this time of year is dominated by stress of finals, projects, and papers. But when all of that is over fo… Read more »

Posted by Samaria

Rare, Not Mythological: How Rape Culture Hurts Men

December 4, 2014

via https://justmosazreba.wordpress.com/</> Trigger warning for discussion of rape/sexual violence and rape culture. There a… Read more »

Posted by Kadijah

The Failed Rap Detox

December 2, 2014

The Smithsonian Studio Arts Blog I often refer to myself as a black feminist. The term I use to define myself calls me to intersec… Read more »

Posted by Caitlin

Challenging beauty expectations can start but not end with a new Barbie

November 21, 2014

This past March, a man by the name of Nicholay Lamm decided to launch a crowdfunding campaign to help him raise money to create a… Read more »

Posted by Paul

To Shop or Not to Shop?

November 20, 2014

With Thanksgiving only a week away, people are already starting to talk about their opinions on Black Friday. Much has been said a… Read more »

Posted by Samaria

Black Lives Matter

November 20, 2014

Last February I attended Take Root, a reproductive conference that serves activists and allies from red states, over the course of… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

Young, Pregnant, and At Work

November 19, 2014

Written by Kelsey Ryland, URGE Law & Policy Fellow The Supreme Court will hear the case of Peggy Young v. United Parcel Servic… Read more »

Posted by Robyn

How to Cope with Anxiety in Activism

November 18, 2014

As social justice activists, we often talk about and fight for serious subjects. Often, these subjects aren’t happy, and might tri… Read more »
