Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Dené Dryden

Buying Condoms is Not a Man’s Job — It’s Everyone’s

November 3, 2017

Image via Wikipedia Commons When I first became sexually active, I never bought my own condoms. I had this preconceived notion tha… Read more »

Posted by Anna Khan

The Witch Hunt We Need

November 2, 2017

In wake of the allegations against Harvey Weinstein (and more importantly, the real consequences being taken against him), many su… Read more »

Posted by Ofelia Alonso


October 31, 2017

Crisis Pregnancy Centers are essentially fake clinics. These non-medical facilities exist solely to push anti-abortion propaganda… Read more »

Posted by Kelsey Grimes

DACA and the Budget

October 31, 2017

We already know that immigration is a reproductive justice issue. We know that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) P… Read more »

Posted by Lailah Berry

Do Microaggressions Bring Out Your Inner ‘Dear White People’ Voice? Me Too.

October 26, 2017

Dear White people, I don’t have an attitude, this is just my face. Last summer I worked for a deli. Making sandwiches was fun, and… Read more »

Posted by Veneeta Danhoui

Carry Pads In Public

October 25, 2017

When we were younger, my sister and I would call menstruation, “The Thing.”  In a similar way, society seems to have a huge proble… Read more »

Posted by Reilly Wieland

Hacks for People with Vaginas that Nobody Told You

October 24, 2017

I am forever in awe of the bond forged between women on the basis of trading advice. There is a special place in my heart for ever… Read more »

Posted by Rebecca Gorena

URGE Defends DACA: Why Immigrant Justice is Reproductive Justice

October 19, 2017

What week is it? Regardless of the date, I can tell you that it sucks. Every morning we wake up to a new fresh hell wondering what… Read more »
