Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Paul

Earth Day and Reproductive Justice

April 23, 2015

As many of you know, yesterday was Earth Day. Some of us may celebrate by making a pledge to reduce waste, or to avoid driving, or… Read more »

Posted by Tristan

Human Trafficking and Abortion Care

April 22, 2015

Human trafficking is one of the largest systems of organized criminal activity. It is frequently considered in the realm of intern… Read more »

Posted by Robyn

Female Empowerment Means Having Options

April 21, 2015

From Wikipedia Commons I was talking with a friend the other day about a girl she knows—an incredibly smart girl, with a 4.0 GPA i… Read more »

Posted by Kadijah

How are Jeans and Sexual Assault Related?

April 20, 2015

  View image | gettyimages.com In observance of  April’s Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, individuals wear jean… Read more »

Posted by Caitlin

Take Back the Night at Texas State

April 17, 2015

This week I attended my first Take Back the Night event at my university. For those who aren’t familiar Take Back the Night is a n… Read more »

Posted by Tristan

Pregnancy and Incarceration: Intersectional Justice

April 15, 2015

Image from flickr user Marc Soller Reproductive justice within prison communities does not get discussed nearly enough. People who… Read more »

Posted by Robyn

Call It Anti-Choice, Not Pro-Life

April 14, 2015

I’ve never understood why “pro-choice” and “pro-life” are considered to be opposites. More specifically, I’ve never understood why… Read more »

Posted by Thelma Hernandez

California’s Cruel Policy that Keeps Families in Poverty

April 10, 2015

At the end of last month SB 23 passed its first committee in the California Legislature.  For those of you who don’t know, SB 23 i… Read more »
