Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Robyn

Proposed Florida Law Bans Transgender People From Bathrooms

February 17, 2015

By Eric Richardson from Los Angeles (Flickr) via Wikimedia Commons A couple weeks ago, something truly awful happened in Florida…. Read more »

Posted by Caitlin

Creating Change 2015 Reflections

February 13, 2015

Creating Change, the national conference on LGBTQ equality, had its 27th annual session last weekend in Denver, Colorado which I a… Read more »

Posted by Paul

Kansas Regressing on LGBT Workplace Protections

February 12, 2015

This past Tuesday, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback issued an executive order that removed workplace protections from being harassed,… Read more »

Posted by Tristan

Ohio Set to Face Yet Another Anti-Choice Bill

February 11, 2015

On Tuesday, reports surfaced that a new bill will be introduced to deny abortion after a diagnosis of Down Syndrome in the fetus…. Read more »

Posted by Robyn

Creating Change: Affirming, Empowering, Inspiring

February 10, 2015

This weekend, I attended the Creating Change conference in Denver, hosted by the National LGBTQ Task Force. There, along with 4,00… Read more »

Posted by Kadijah

Tweets that Create Change

February 9, 2015

I have finally settled back in from the exhilarating, life-changing, and dynamic Creating Change conference hosted in Denver, Colo… Read more »

Posted by Paul

Kansas Is Poised to Ban Second Trimester Abortions

February 5, 2015

Recently introduced in the Kansas Legislature was a bill that could shape up to be the strictest abortion law in the country. The… Read more »

Posted by Tristan

New Year, New Opponents: the Ohio 20 Week Ban

February 4, 2015

The year seemed to have ended positively in Ohio for reproductive justice legislation with the rejection of fetal “heartbeat” Hous… Read more »
