Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Veneeta Danhoui

Television Has Made Lying about Your Sex Life Normal

September 14, 2017

Why has lying about your sexual health history become a popular media trope in film and television? We also see this in social med… Read more »

Posted by Lailah Berry

Kenneka Jenkins’ Death Highlights a World Consumed by Social Media

September 13, 2017

I was sitting in my apartment drinking my green tea, when my  Group Me started to go wild. I opened the app to catch up on all the… Read more »

Posted by Reilly Wieland

Abortion is Not Just a Women’s Issue: Inclusive Reproductive Justice Signs

September 12, 2017

Unsurprisingly, a majority of the catchy slogans adopted by the reproductive justice movement are cis woman-centric. It is easy to… Read more »

Posted by Dené Dryden

Supporting Sexual Health Care in Kansas Starts with Education

September 7, 2017

Last week, I attended the Protecting Sexual Health in Kansas forum at Kansas State University. Speakers Jennifer Greene, director… Read more »

Posted by Anna Khan

For The White Men, By The White Men: Time To Stop Being Shook, and Start Shaking Things Up

September 6, 2017

I remember the exact date of the last time I was truly shocked about something I saw in the news: November 8, 2016. Or, more like… Read more »

Posted by Ofelia Alonso

#DEFENDDACA, But Feeding White People Pain Porn is Not the Answer

September 5, 2017

DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program, is in danger. The program allows young immigrants to apply for a renewab… Read more »

Posted by Reilly Wieland

Tell Me I Look Sexy With My IUD Strings Pushed Back: Let’s Chat About IUDs

September 1, 2017

Let me tell you a true story: I took the birth control pill for less than a month, and it made me feel horrendous. I gained weight… Read more »

Posted by Lailah Berry

Dear Incoming Freshman, Please Add Condoms to Your List of School Supplies

August 31, 2017

“Americans are having less sex” says CNN news article, but the spread and severity of sexually transmitted diseases and infections… Read more »
