Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Rachel Bezek

SPF 50 and SSRIs: My Summer of Struggle and Self-Love

September 7, 2016

I first knew depression ran in my family when I was about thirteen, searching the names printed on my mom’s prescription bottles o… Read more »

Posted by Aleo Pugh

Miss(Cis) Expectations: Pregnancy & Trans Identities

September 2, 2016

It’s the first week of classes and I’ve already had to defend my decision not to carry children twice.  It happens at least once e… Read more »

Posted by Taylor Crumpton

“Sexual Purity” and STDs

September 1, 2016

    The first time I heard about sex on my college campus was during my freshmen orientation in a session titled “Sex, D… Read more »

Posted by Kristina Agbebiyi

Breaking: Bisexual Femme Actually Needs Birth Control

August 31, 2016

I started going to the gynecologist at the age of 17. My mom saw it as a rite of passage. I was a young woman, in my first serious… Read more »

Posted by Jessica Morgan

The Zika Virus, Disabilities, and Pro-Choice Activism

August 30, 2016

Earlier this month, a poll taken by Harvard officials indicated a slight shift in favor of abortions in response to the Zika virus… Read more »

Posted by Micaela Elizabeth Canales

WTF Texas?! Anti-choice group tasked with providing healthcare

August 29, 2016

At the beginning of August, I was alarmed to read that the State of Texas had awarded a little over $1.6 million to an anti-choice… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

Artist We Love: Erika Moen

August 8, 2016

What encouraged you to become an artist? The friendships I made as a teenager with other kids who were passionate about art. We al… Read more »

Posted by Guest Blogger

#RespectMyHustle: Trans Profiles in the Workplace

August 2, 2016

Name: Lourdes Ashley Hunter Pronouns: Goddess Queen Sister Career: Academic, Orator, Creator, Producer, Consultant. Executive Dire… Read more »
