Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Nigel Morton

Female Genital Mutilation as a Domestic Issue

October 6, 2015

Recently my URGE chapter at Wichita State hosted the president and founder of the Keep Girls Safe Foundation Sien Lengeju. Keep Gi… Read more »

Posted by Jason T. Frost

Alabama Continues to Make it Harder to Vote

October 5, 2015

Thinking of voting in the state of Alabama? Better have a photo ID. And if Governor Robert Bentley has his way, the Alabama Black… Read more »

Posted by Kristen Barton

Yes, I Just Took a Tampon to the Bathroom. Get Over It.

October 2, 2015

News flash everyone: periods are a natural part of a person’s body that, for the most part, they cannot really control. Periods ha… Read more »

Posted by Caitlyn Martin

They Can’t Hyde It From Us

September 30, 2015

Today marks the anniversary of a dark day in America’s history. On September 30th, 1976, the Hyde Amendment was passed. If you’re… Read more »

Posted by Hanna Foster

The Importance of Planned Parenthood in a College Community

September 29, 2015

As a college student, living paycheck-to-paycheck, I understand the importance of affordable healthcare. I am lucky enough to stil… Read more »

Posted by Jason T. Frost

Planned Parenthood Sues Alabama Governor Over Cut Medicaid Contract

September 28, 2015

Not a month after being sued for removing a Confederate flag from the grounds of the state capitol, Alabama Governor Robert Bentle… Read more »

Posted by Natasha Ivery

#ShoutYourAbortion and Questions of Morality

September 24, 2015

If you’ve been paying attention to the news lately and paying attention to social media, I hope you’ve noticed the sad dilemma of… Read more »

Posted by Caitlyn Martin

The Little-Known Problem of Chemical Pregnancies

September 23, 2015

She came up to me before class on a Tuesday afternoon with tears in her eyes. “Can I talk to you about something?” she asked quiet… Read more »
