Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Dené Dryden

Living in a Women’s House Made Me a Better Feminist

March 30, 2018

During my first two years attending Kansas State University, I chose to live in a small, all-female residence hall called Smurthwa… Read more »

Posted by Lailah Berry

March for Our Lives Showed Me Solidarity Isn’t Real

March 30, 2018

There is no such thing as solidarity. I used to think that statement was unheard of, and I couldn’t understand why people couldn’t… Read more »

Posted by Anna Khan

Black People Have Been Marching

March 28, 2018

This weekend, tens of thousands of Americans joined together all around the country to protest gun control in the March for Our Li… Read more »

Posted by Ofelia Alonso

We are the Great American Virtue

March 27, 2018

In a piece for The Federalist, David Harsanyi argued that “chanting crowds of emotionally charged protesters aren’t exhibiting any… Read more »

Posted by Reilly Wieland

Black in Blue: Why the Austin Bombings Mean More Than What Meets the Eye

March 27, 2018

I tell people I am from Texas and they joke about cowboys; I tell people I am from Austin and everybody wants to hear about how gr… Read more »

Posted by Kimia Abtahi

Breaking News: Sexual Education Did Not Prepare Me for Sex

March 26, 2018

Let me introduce myself. I am an upper middle class woman who grew up in a fairly prosperous area. I went to a middle school and h… Read more »

Posted by Veneeta Danhoui

Why Adulthood Doesn’t Have to Be a Trap

March 22, 2018

In my last month of being nineteen, I have heard many times that, “adulthood is a trap”. I have seen it on t-shirts and read it in… Read more »

Posted by Dené Dryden

Pro-Choice: A Mindset Beyond Reproductive Rights

March 15, 2018

As I have progressed through my life so far, I have learned that my mindset heavily influences how I perceive other people and the… Read more »
