Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Veneeta Danhoui

Domestic Violence Is a Reproductive Justice Issue

August 30, 2017

When my 24-year-old cousin got married this past year, my mom imparted onto her what she believes to be the key to an everlasting… Read more »

Posted by Guest Blogger

Making Space for Healing Justice

August 21, 2017

This summer, URGE activists gathered in Cleveland, Ohio for the first ever Summer Camp. Activists from AL, GA, TX, KS, & OH ca… Read more »

Posted by Guest Blogger

We Need to Stop Sexualizing Breastfeeding

August 18, 2017

A few weeks ago on a sweltering, Kansas afternoon, a friend and I stopped by a sub shop near my house for lunch. The store was emp… Read more »

Posted by Guest Blogger

How Ohio’s Government is Funneling Money into Fake Clinics

July 25, 2017

On July 1 the state of Ohio’s fiscal year 2018 budget took effect, providing $1,000,000 in funding to crisis pregnancy centers. Cr… Read more »

Posted by Guest Blogger

Kansas’s New Concealed Carry Laws Don’t Belong On Our Campuses

May 26, 2017

Come July 1st, 2017, Kansas will become the first state that allows students to bring guns on campus without a permit. As a commun… Read more »

Posted by URGE Staff

How President Trump’s Expansion of the Global Gag Rule Will Wreak Havoc on Communities

May 17, 2017

Another day, another shitty reproductive health policy introduced by the Trump administration that will have untold effects on mil… Read more »

Posted by Taylor Crumpton

Hey! Don’t use my religion to discriminate

May 5, 2017

The President of the United States signed an executive order that promotes religious liberty. As a person of faith, I grow tired o… Read more »

Posted by Kristina Agbebiyi

Mama’s Day Bail Out

May 4, 2017

Though we’ve had a rocky past during the typical teen angst years, my mother is my best friend. She’s my shoulder to cry on, she’s… Read more »
