Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Kristina Agbebiyi

Let’s Talk About Fatphobia

November 30, 2016

Like many femmes, I have an interesting relationship with my body. I’m 5’9, and last time I checked, close to 200 pounds. I now we… Read more »

Posted by Jessica Morgan

White Feminism and the 2016 Election

November 29, 2016

These past few weeks have been riddled with many emotions: white supremacists are enthused that they get to reclaim a country that… Read more »

Posted by Micaela Elizabeth Canales

Ring the Anti-choice Alarm: The 2017 Texas Legislative Preview

November 28, 2016

Texas lawmakers have proposed a slew of anti-choice, anti-queer, anti-reproductive justice legislation for the 2017 Texas session,… Read more »

Posted by Kenyetta Whitfield

No Teen Pregnancy: #ThxBirthControl?

November 17, 2016

November 16th was “Thanks, Birth Control” Day and as such, reproductive justice organizations flooded their timelines with tweet a… Read more »

Posted by Rachel Bezek

White People: Here’s How to NOT Respond to the Election

November 16, 2016

Sit down and buckle in, because this past week has proved to be extremely bumpy with extreme turbulence between activists and “act… Read more »

Posted by Kristina Agbebiyi

Post-Election Activism Crash Course

November 14, 2016

It’s been a long week. Instead of using this article to get out all of my emotions, I decided to do something else. Many people ar… Read more »

Posted by Taylor Crumpton

It Is Our Duty To Fight For Our Freedom

November 10, 2016

Thursday morning at 2:00am, I was holding my housemate as she sobbed after the news reported that Hilary Rodham Clinton had conced… Read more »

Posted by Jessica Morgan

Voting Obstacles Then and Now

November 8, 2016

Social media outlets have become major instruments to explore people’s deepest thoughts during this election cycle. Many people, s… Read more »
