Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Jason T. Frost

Where are the Reproductive Health Resources for Every Body?

March 7, 2016

When I graduated from high school, I realized that I had made it through an entire life science class without ever learning how, e… Read more »

Posted by Kristen Barton

Three Takeaways from the Biggest Abortion Case of Our Generation

March 4, 2016

This week, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments about the Texas HB2 case, Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt. HB2 is a bill in… Read more »

Posted by Carley Towne

California Thinks Prisoners Are Expendable Labor

March 3, 2016

On Friday February 26th, Shawna Lynn Jones, 22, became the third inmate to die while working alongside firefighters as a part of t… Read more »

Posted by Nigel Morton

Our Communities Deserve Better

March 1, 2016

  A lot of times when people talk about gun violence and gun control in the United States, they think of the numbers. Statist… Read more »

Posted by Hanna Foster

Is Campus Carry Safe for Everyone?

February 26, 2016

Starting August 1, exactly fifty years after the infamous shooting at the University of Texas, the state of Texas will begin imple… Read more »

Posted by Caitlyn Martin

It’s Long Past Time to Stop Favoring Athletics Over Justice

February 25, 2016

[Trigger warning: rape, sexual assault] Bodda getta, bodda getta, bodda getta, bah! Rah, rah, rah! Sis-boom-bah! Weagle, weagle, w… Read more »

Posted by Caitlyn Martin

The Best Rape Joke I Ever Heard

February 24, 2016

Trigger warning: rape, violent language Yes, you read that title correctly. But let me explain. I couldn’t sleep a few weeks ago a… Read more »

Posted by Nigel Morton

Getting Your Period Shouldn’t Be This Expensive

February 23, 2016

I admit that, until recently, I was only aware of the luxury tax on tampons in the UK. I didn’t think it was a problem anywhere el… Read more »
