Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Hanna Foster

Comic Books Are No Longer ‘Boys Only’

October 27, 2015

Over the years, the major comic book publishing company, Marvel, has slowly been making progress towards a more inclusive universe… Read more »

Posted by Jason T. Frost

I Have a Problem With the Confederate Flag, but not Because It’s Racist

October 26, 2015

Fewer than 7,000 people live in Lynchburg, Tennessee, if you count the residents of the entirety of Moore County. Most of them fin… Read more »

Posted by Natasha Ivery

Ohio Won’t Go Back

October 23, 2015

image via flickr by openDemocracy It just got real for the state of Ohio. In what is quickly becoming a depressing pattern, the Oh… Read more »

Posted by Carley Towne

Beyond Equal Pay

October 22, 2015

Earlier this week, California Governor Jerry Brown made two decisions about women in the workplace that, at first glance, seem con… Read more »

Posted by Caitlyn Martin

The New Problem That Has No Name

October 21, 2015

In just about every Intro to Women’s Studies class, students read an excerpt of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, usually abo… Read more »

Posted by Hanna Foster

Anti-Choice Propaganda Hurts Texas

October 20, 2015

Monday, October 19th 2015, Texas decided to eliminate funding to Planned Parenthood. This is why I’m pissed off. Texas largely bas… Read more »

Posted by Nigel Morton

Political Representation or the Lack Thereof

October 20, 2015

(Photo: ELLE UK) Hillary Clinton, Ben Carson, Bobby Jindal, and Carly Fiorina are the only people running for a presidential nomin… Read more »

Posted by Jason T. Frost

Open Letter from a “Cherokee Princess”

October 19, 2015

When I was in elementary school, I met a lot of people who claimed to be Cherokee. Every white person I knew, it seemed, had a Che… Read more »
