Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Katerina Tsvetkova

Cancel Culture is Toxic

November 26, 2019

Art by @spooky_soda August 5th, 2019 was the day everything changed….that was the day…I was #cancelled. All jokes aside, I have re… Read more »

Posted by Hannah Bae

Don’t tell me to “be civil”

November 19, 2019

Every country, culture, and region has unspoken rules that its residents or members internalize. The Deep South is no different. W… Read more »

Posted by Siqi Cheng

Visibility is not Enough

November 13, 2019

(Marsha P. Johnson handing out flyers in support of the Gay Liberation Front in New York in 1970.) Every October 11 since the anni… Read more »

Posted by Katerina Tsvetkova

Is Hate Speech, Free Speech?

November 12, 2019

via https://justmosazreba.wordpress.com/</> Anytime a protest happens on my campus, whether it be a counter-protest or a pro… Read more »

Posted by Hannah Bae

My Experience with Abstinence-based Sex Ed

November 5, 2019

All people should have access to comprehensive, inclusive, evidence-based sex education. Unfortunately, that’s not often the case…. Read more »

Posted by Nicole Gathany


October 29, 2019

This Halloween, men will pay…. Prudence from Chilling Tales of Sabrina ….for dinner. The other day, one of my colleagues told me t… Read more »

Posted by Gabrielle Villar

Building Resilience through Care

October 22, 2019

We’re all familiar with self-care at this point. In popular culture, it’s become a great go-to excuse for indulging yourself, a la… Read more »

Posted by Hannah Bae

Let’s not fetishize East Asian women this Halloween

October 18, 2019

Via Giphy As Halloween approaches, the hunt for costumes is in full swing. With that comes the deluge of culturally appropriative… Read more »
