Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Jessica Morgan

There’s Something In the Air

April 25, 2017

There’s something in the air. It spreads like a plague, an unquestionable fear deep seated in the roots of oppression. Its wings s… Read more »

Posted by Micaela Elizabeth Canales

Easter in Texas: Resurrected Bathroom Bill Now A Sickening Zombie

April 24, 2017

Part-time Texas Governor and full time conniving Slytherin, Greg Abbott, announced his encouragement of Texas House Bill 2899, whi… Read more »

Posted by Kenyetta Whitfield

Minors Know Best: Whats Wrong with West Virginia’s New Anti-Abortion Law

April 20, 2017

Last week, the West Virginia state senate passed legislation for a bill that would prevent physicians from performing an abortion… Read more »

Posted by Rachel Bezek

Tale of Two Hospitals: How Failing to Expand Medicaid Hurts Kansans

April 19, 2017

Healthcare has been a national conversation for years now, going back and forth as the most talked about topic for Americas. Repub… Read more »

Posted by Aleo Pugh

On Free Speech, Discourse and Opinions

April 18, 2017

Free speech has been a heated and inconclusive source of debate in academia since the 1964 Free Speech Movement started at UC Berk… Read more »

Posted by Kristina Agbebiyi

Toxic Masculinity Is Not A Mental Illness

April 17, 2017

If you’ve been paying attention since the beginning of time, you’ll notice that men who commit acts of violence after being scorne… Read more »

Posted by Micaela Elizabeth Canales

Proposed Texas Viagra Bill Necessary for Men’s Safety

April 14, 2017

Texas Representative Jessica Farrar has introduced new legislation that will greatly protect the health and safety of Texas men se… Read more »

Posted by Taylor Crumpton

Now More Than Ever, Local Action Matters

April 13, 2017

On April 10th, Neil Gorsuch became an associate justice on the United States Supreme Court. With his nomination came the death of… Read more »
