Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Kristen Barton

An open letter: How the Reproductive Justice movement taught me self-love

January 15, 2016

To anyone who struggles with what they see in the mirror, To anyone who finds themselves avoiding a mirror, To anyone who struggle… Read more »

Posted by Carley Towne

Reproductive Justice and the Right to Die

January 14, 2016

One of the greatest achievements of the reproductive justice movement is the considerable work that has been done to weave the inj… Read more »

Posted by Nigel Morton

These are the Characters You’re Looking For

January 12, 2016

  Warning: mild SPOILERS for the newest Star Wars film ahead When it was announced that Disney made a deal with George Lucas… Read more »

Posted by Hanna Foster

#DearDebbie, We’re Right Here

January 12, 2016

#DearDebbie, I must inform you that you have recently committed one of the deadliest sins against millennials by calling us compla… Read more »

Posted by Jason T. Frost

Your Cervix Is Beautiful, according to this organization

January 11, 2016

Have you ever wanted to see just what your stomach looked like? Or your heart? Or liver? What about your cervix? Not a lot of peop… Read more »

Posted by Caitlyn Martin

The Feminist’s Guide to Holiday Shopping

December 21, 2015

It’s that time of the year when we’re making holiday wish lists. Sometimes, we know exactly what we want and can provide our frien… Read more »

Posted by Natasha Ivery

#StayMadAbby, Black Excellence, and White Privilege

December 17, 2015

Black Twitter’s razor sharp wit and social conscience didn’t hold back in 2015. They opened the public discourse on the role polic… Read more »

Posted by Hanna Foster

We Said We Would Never Go Back

December 16, 2015

We said we would never go back to coat hangers. It’s 2015 and reproductive health care and the right to a safe abortion are consis… Read more »
