Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Kristen Barton

Houston Fails to Be a “HERO” for Trans Community

November 6, 2015

photo via freedomforallamericans.org This week the city of Houston had the opportunity to make history in the Civil Rights movemen… Read more »

Posted by Carley Towne

The Gender Politics of the Looming CSU Strike

November 5, 2015

Faculty across twenty three California State University campuses voted on Wednesday, November 4, to authorize a strike if negotiat… Read more »

Posted by Caitlyn Martin

An Apology From a Former White Feminist

November 4, 2015

Generally speaking, if someone looks back at the things they said and did three years ago, they will at the very least cringe, if… Read more »

Posted by Hanna Foster

Chivalry is Dead, but Courtesy Never Goes Out of Style

November 3, 2015

Now, before some one says something like “Oh, so now I can treat women like crap? Is that what you want?” No, Chad, please sit dow… Read more »

Posted by Nigel Morton

The Consequences of Poor Sex-Ed

November 3, 2015

Recently, I stumbled on a sample of the abstinence book we used in my freshman health class in high school. Beside the fact it has… Read more »

Posted by Jason T. Frost

What I Learned Escorting at an Abortion Clinic

November 2, 2015

URGE students from Alabama escorting in 2013 When a friend of mine told me she went “escorting” on weekends I wrongly assumed she… Read more »

Posted by Kristen Barton

The Impact of the “Badass” Women’s National Soccer Team

October 30, 2015

I’ve always found the saying “you play like a girl” one of the most ignorant “insults” someone could use. It’s pointless and the i… Read more »

Posted by Caitlyn Martin

It’s Okay to be the Squeaky Wheel

October 28, 2015

The man who taught me how to be a squeaky wheel When I was in high school, I asked my dad why we hadn’t played tennis together in… Read more »
