Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Kristen Barton

18 and pregnant: how a young mom is challenging the stigma of “teen pregnancy”

September 11, 2015

The thought of having a baby has always been difficult for me to grasp and a vision I never really had for myself. I just do not f… Read more »

Posted by Carley Towne

This “classist, sexist, anti-child” California Policy Must Go

September 10, 2015

photo by Charlotte Cooper via flickr Over twenty years ago, California was swept up in the fervor of President Clinton’s “welfare… Read more »

Posted by Natasha Ivery

Beauty and the Beast: Kalief Browder, Mental Illness and the Black Community

September 10, 2015

Image by Craig Finn via Wikiemdia Commons. Mental illness. Depression. Schizophrenia. Bipolar disorder. Anxiety. Whatever one suff… Read more »

Posted by Caitlyn Martin

A Review of S.E.X.

September 9, 2015

When I attended the URGE National Conference in Washington, D.C. this June, one of the things in the goodie bag was the book S.E.X… Read more »

Posted by Nigel Morton

New Types of Male Contraception to be Available in the Near Future

September 8, 2015

Three types of hormone pills, vaginal ring, diaphragm, intrauterine device, a hormone patch, upper arm hormone implant, and emerge… Read more »

Posted by Hanna Foster

Transphobia in Hollywood: Trans Stories Without Trans Actors

September 8, 2015

With the upcoming debut of the new movie About Ray where another non-trans actor, in this case Elle Fanning, plays a trans charact… Read more »

Posted by Kristen Barton

Everything is Bigger in Texas, Except for Abortion Access

September 4, 2015

In 2013, Texans, yet again, had to endure other people making decisions about our bodies for us. When I say for us, I don’t mean t… Read more »

Posted by Carley Towne

Fight for $15 Comes to UC…Sort Of

September 3, 2015

I got a what I thought was a welcome surprise during summer vacation leading into my last year at UC San Diego when Janet Napolita… Read more »
