Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Jaz

URGE Alabama Policy Priorities 2021

February 9, 2021

Right now, our priorities are to: OPPOSE HB 1/SB 10 which makes the provision of gender-affirming health care a felony for doctors… Read more »

Posted by Aimaloghi Eromosele

The Problem with the Karen Archetype

February 9, 2021

Dear White Girl (all white people really) who made the Tik Tok compilation video of her admittedly fashionable, quirky, yet still,… Read more »

Posted by Nneka

Pro-Choice v. Pro-Abortion: Why Language Matters

February 3, 2021

CW: abortion  I’m not pro-insulin, but I support a diabetic’s right to choose insulin. Does that statement strike you as odd?… Read more »

Posted by Larada Lee

Who’s Right Is It Anyway?: My Thoughts on Abortion Access and a world beyond Roe V. Wade

January 28, 2021

As I sat and reflected on Roe V. Wade, on what happened to be the 48th anniversary of the landmark United States Supreme Court cas… Read more »

Posted by Lauren Senwo

Fighting for Liberation in the Midst of Oppression

January 11, 2021

I have been told that just because I don’t see results immediately doesn’t mean I should be quick to give up; that the results wil… Read more »

Posted by Kirsten

Saddest Season: Rom-Coms and the Reframing of Toxic Relationships

December 22, 2020

After the year we just experienced, I have been looking forward to Christmas for months. Looking for a boost in holiday-themed ser… Read more »

Posted by Lauren Senwo

#GirlsSupportingGirls Does Nothing for Black, Indigenous, Women of Color

December 18, 2020

In this new age of feminism, I am consistently introduced to new buzzwords and “movements” that give the illusion of productivity… Read more »

Posted by Lauren Senwo

American Individualism Will be The Detriment of Us All

December 7, 2020

Speaking from an American’s point of view, I think most of us can agree that 2020 has been a complete shit show. To try and even a… Read more »
