Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Hannah Bae

Why Chanel’s Asian-ness Matters

September 23, 2019

People v. Turner has been widely deemed a failure of justice since the Stanford University attacker’s sentencing three years ago…. Read more »

Posted by Katerina Tsvetkova

Instead of Trying to “save” Sex Workers—Pay Them

September 19, 2019

Saturday, September 14th, 2019 was the first-ever Sex Worker Pride day. The day was aimed at highlighting the beauty and self-told… Read more »

Posted by Siqi Cheng

#NoGagRule: Ohio is just the beginning

September 17, 2019

Last week, Senator Sherrod Brown expressed concern over access to reproductive healthcare in Ohio. He estimated that nearly 100,00… Read more »

Posted by Gabrielle Villar

Organizing Around Public Transportation

September 13, 2019

As school starts up, my attention has been turned towards public transportation. Since I am a college student without a car, that… Read more »

Posted by Nicole Gathany

7 Ways to Make Your Activism More Inclusive of Activists with Disabilities

September 12, 2019

In April, I broke my ankle which severely limited my normal activity and opened my eyes to how ableist the world is. That includes… Read more »

Posted by Hannah Bae

Keeping All Families Together Is An RJ Issue

September 6, 2019

The recent and mainstream reproductive rights conversation in the United States has been narrowly limited to the discussion of rep… Read more »

Posted by Katerina Tsvetkova

Abortion Shouldn’t Be Rare and It Isn’t

September 4, 2019

From the most recent data available from the Guttmacher Institute and the American Journal of Public Health, approximately 1 in 4… Read more »

Posted by Erica Gonzalez

Pot Criminalization is Racist

April 30, 2019

        With 4/20 passing last week, there was a lot of pot-related content online. I was hoping to see a lot more support from di… Read more »
