Em-URGE-ing Voices

Your urgent thoughts, urging action

Posted by Guest Blogger

Under Lock & Key: It’s Time Remove Contraceptives From the Lock Box

November 15, 2021

By: Kirsten Hernandez Many of us, especially those from marginalized communities, are used to items being behind locked boxes at t… Read more »

Posted by Kimani Leftridge

Welcome to The Great Resignation: The US’ Newest Labor Movement

November 12, 2021

The social contract between employees and their employers is being rewritten right before our eyes. The social contract is the agr… Read more »

Posted by Hannah Ezell

How the Texas Abortion Ban is Really About Preserving a White Majority

October 25, 2021

Photo by Claudio Schwarz On September 1, SB 8, a restrictive abortion bill, went into effect in Texas. The bill bans abortion afte… Read more »

Posted by Taylor Charles

Banning Critical Race Theory is Problematic and here is Why

October 23, 2021

Kay Ivey’s “ban” on critical race theory is complete bullshit. On October 21, 2021, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey announced a ban on c… Read more »

Posted by Maralyn Doering

View of the U.S./Mexico Border from El Paso, TX.

How S.B. 8 Impacts Undocumented Immigrants Seeking Abortions In Texas

October 19, 2021

The passage and eventual enactment of Texas Senate Bill 2 (S.B. 8) has people rightfully concerned over abortion access in Texas…. Read more »

Posted by Antoilyn Nguyen

age Description: Pads and tampons are scattered across a red background.

Menstrual Transphobia: Women Aren’t the Only Ones with Periods

October 18, 2021

Increased awareness and support against period poverty and stigma in recent years is liberating periods — but not for trans indivi… Read more »

Posted by Kimani Leftridge

Celebrity Culture isn’t Dead, But it Should Be

October 12, 2021

These unprecedented times have caused people to have second thoughts about what is considered “normal” in our society. I have noti… Read more »

Posted by Taylor Charles

Media and The Unrealistic Expectations of Sex

October 9, 2021

Being a part of gen z is kind of crazy. We still got to experience the remnants of the great era that was the 90s while simultaneo… Read more »
